turning inward toward your breath
Have you ever noticed …
… a catch in your breath when you’re startled?
…. the urge to run to the bathroom when you’re upset?
… a rise in the pitch of your voice when you’re feeling anxious?
The remarkable system that is your body doesn’t miss a trick—it responds to every little thing that you encounter throughout your day. And when you spend your days caring for others, there are LOTS of things to respond to.
Take just a few minutes to try this standing exploration. It turns your attention inward so you can notice your breathing and how it impacts your entire body--as well as your mental state.
Start in tadasana (mountain pose), with your hands resting at the bottom of your rib cage as you breathe. Then see if you can feel yourself slowing down as you tune out the outside world for a few moments to tend to yourself.
This video is just a snippet from a full practice available in the self-care sanctuary, my monthly membership designed to help those who tend to others--healthcare workers, teachers, parents, family caregivers, etc.--feel nourished and supported. Give this video a "like" if you enjoyed it, subscribe to my new YouTube channel, and check out my free five-day self-care mini retreat for more quick practices that will bring ease to your body, mind and spirit.