a spring cleaning practice for your body
/No matter how full my schedule was when I was caring for my mom before she passed, I always looked forward to the days when I could fling open the windows and doors, sweep the wood floors and shake out the rugs. Refreshing the air in the closed-up rooms didn’t seem like work, and it had the added benefit of making everyone in the house feel better—energized and alive again, despite the challenges we knew lay ahead for us.
It’s not just our living spaces that could using a little shake-out when the weather warms—our bodies can get stagnant after a winter of heavy coats, rib-sticking warm meals, and limited movement. I would never trade the hours in front of our wood stove. Instead, I like to balance them out with as much outdoor time as I can sneak in (and lucky for me, Vermont delivers both beautifully.).
If your energy is low and your mind seems heavy, try this quick practice to feel a sense of renewal and connect with the turning of the seasons. You can do it anywhere when a shift in your mood would do you good.
subscribe to my youtube channel for more bite-sized, do-anywhere practices like this one!