have a Mindful Outdoor Experience

have a Mindful Outdoor Experience

My Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide training has taught me that hours of rambling around outside boosts my attention span, calms my nervous system and connects me to the land that I live on. Science says so, and I feel better doing it. Here’s how you can have a Mindful Outdoor Experience, too.

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just because you can, doesn’t mean you should ... even if you love the F word

just because you can, doesn’t mean you should ... even if you love the F word

One thing I’ve noticed about caregivers is how hard it is for them to let themselves be supported—even when they come to their yoga mat. “Oh, I don’t need that.” they say, waving away the prop setup I’ve suggested for them. “Let someone else use those blocks—I’m fine without them.” Oh, that loaded F word …

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my best advice for tackling your next big task (it's probably not what you think)

my best advice for tackling your next big task (it's probably not what you think)

You’re staring down a daunting task—a project that most would run from, like caring for a loved one through a serious illness. So you put your head down, hold your breath, and charge head-on into it, promising yourself that you’ll get back to your own life and come up for air when it’s all over. But soon you find yourself floundering, and you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to get to the other side. What do you do?

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take time for teeny tiny meditation

take time for teeny tiny meditation

If your main focus is caring for others, finding the time or motivation to spend even a few minutes on taking care of yourself can be daunting. The inner sanctuary community just finished reading BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything for our March bookclub… and now we’re tiny-habiting All The Selfcare Things. I started with my daily meditation practice …

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selfcare meets you where you're at (plus a tool I'm loving for this)

selfcare meets you where you're at (plus a tool I'm loving for this)

For a lot of people—especially those who spend their time caring for others—focusing on themselves ends up at the bottom of a loooooong priority list. Our schedules are overfull, we don’t have the equipment we think we’ll need, and it all just seems like too much work because we’re exhausted. But there is a way for caregivers to sneak in some selfcare each week …

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