Wintering: "Nature shows that survival is a practice"

Wintering: "Nature shows that survival is a practice"

Need inspiration and support as winter drags on? Dive into Katherine May’s memoir, "Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times." This book reminds us to take our cues from the natural world during this dark, chill, quiet time of year, giving you permission to step away, recharge, and be ready to face the world come springtime.

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have a Mindful Outdoor Experience

have a Mindful Outdoor Experience

My Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide training has taught me that hours of rambling around outside boosts my attention span, calms my nervous system and connects me to the land that I live on. Science says so, and I feel better doing it. Here’s how you can have a Mindful Outdoor Experience, too.

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what REALLY happens when you choose a yearly intention word

what REALLY happens when you choose a yearly intention word

You’ve probably heard lots of versions of “Your thoughts become things.” And while I haven’t mastered spontaneously manifesting a gluten-free vegan chocolate cake, I was on the receiving end of some interesting results of the focus I held for myself last year …

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4 ways that pruning a plant can inspire you to care for yourself

4 ways that pruning a plant can inspire you to care for yourself

Trimming back apple trees and berry bushes can inspire us to tend to ourselves—even as we’re caring for others. Pruning takes a plant back to its strongest, most vital parts, leaving the healthy tissue to flourish. These four plant pruning guidelines are visible reminders of how to nurture ourselves every day …

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this is what happened when i stood in one place for 21 days

this is what happened when i stood in one place for 21 days

It’s a rare event to spot a caregiver standing still for any length of time. There are appointments to drive to, errands to run, meals to prep, calls to make, kids to look after, etc. But if you can manage to find just a few minutes to be still during your day, you just might discover an entire world around—and within—you.

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could you use a break? here's a sign

could you use a break? here's a sign

If you spend most of your time caring for others, getting ample down time can be a huge challenge. Interrupted sleep, schedule changes and unplanned events can often seem like the norm. But taking the Universe up on small, unexpected sense pauses during the day—and looking at them as gifts instead of monkey wrenches—just might help us realize that feeling better rested could be within our reach.

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