have a Mindful Outdoor Experience

have a Mindful Outdoor Experience

My Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide training has taught me that hours of rambling around outside boosts my attention span, calms my nervous system and connects me to the land that I live on. Science says so, and I feel better doing it. Here’s how you can have a Mindful Outdoor Experience, too.

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what REALLY happens when you choose a yearly intention word

what REALLY happens when you choose a yearly intention word

You’ve probably heard lots of versions of “Your thoughts become things.” And while I haven’t mastered spontaneously manifesting a gluten-free vegan chocolate cake, I was on the receiving end of some interesting results of the focus I held for myself last year …

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Reduce thoughtfully~reuse creatively~recycle (too) easily

Reduce thoughtfully~reuse creatively~recycle (too) easily

I'm intrigued by people who've been able to reduce their yearly waste to just a bag or two of trash. The idea of being so completely aware of every single thing I touch in a day, determining how to reduce~reuse~recycle each one? Astounding. The three Rs of environmentalism has become a mantra of sorts for me. Where to start? Let's take them in reverse order ...

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Elevate your morning routine with a little Ayurveda

Elevate your morning routine with a little Ayurveda

What intrigued me most about Ayurveda were some interesting daily habits. The Ayurvedic morning routine is substantial and quite different from the Standard American shower~coffee~commute but there are most likely one or two things you can add to your own a.m. ritual that may make a difference in your whole day. Here are some of my favorites ...

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Self care doesn't need to be so radical this holiday season

Self care doesn't need to be so radical this holiday season

You're rushing all over town to buy the perfect gifts, planning dozen-course meals, racing to parties, scrambling to send packages and those never-ending cards and emails ... doing All The (Holiday) Things. It's been a mad dash since Thanksgiving and you know the shiny New Year—with all its promises of fresh starts and healthy habits—is just beyond your grasp. So you put it all out there for these last two weeks. But what's left for you? Plenty ...

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