Yoga nidra: 6 things you need to know

Yoga nidra: 6 things you need to know

You rest your physical body each night when you sleep, but our fast-paced, always-on, digital-everything world can make it tough to give your mind and emotions a break. The practice of yoga nidra (“yogic sleep”) was popularized in the mid 20th-century, but it couldn’t be more necessary than it is now. Here’s what you need to know …

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Self care doesn't need to be so radical this holiday season

Self care doesn't need to be so radical this holiday season

You're rushing all over town to buy the perfect gifts, planning dozen-course meals, racing to parties, scrambling to send packages and those never-ending cards and emails ... doing All The (Holiday) Things. It's been a mad dash since Thanksgiving and you know the shiny New Year—with all its promises of fresh starts and healthy habits—is just beyond your grasp. So you put it all out there for these last two weeks. But what's left for you? Plenty ...

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