have a Mindful Outdoor Experience

have a Mindful Outdoor Experience

My Kripalu Mindful Outdoor Guide training has taught me that hours of rambling around outside boosts my attention span, calms my nervous system and connects me to the land that I live on. Science says so, and I feel better doing it. Here’s how you can have a Mindful Outdoor Experience, too.

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3 justifications for signing up for an in-person retreat this year

3 justifications for signing up for an in-person retreat this year

Whether or not you spend your days caring for others, you likely missed the ability to be get out and about and be with like-minded people during the Pandemic Times. Now that things are opening you’re probably getting notifications for events that are happening IRL (like my self-care saturday June 25 in Vermont). Lots of us appreciated the ability to be in community with other people via online technology over the last couple of years … so why should you bother traveling somewhere to experience something in person? I’ll tell you what I think …

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3 tips for getting out of your own way

3 tips for getting out of your own way

Have you ever found yourself wallowing so deeply in disappointment, frustration or even anger about a situation you have no control over as you spend your days caring for others, that you catch yourself missing out on the good things right in front of you? Here are 3 ways to change that.

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