Wintering: "Nature shows that survival is a practice"

Wintering: "Nature shows that survival is a practice"

Need inspiration and support as winter drags on? Dive into Katherine May’s memoir, "Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times." This book reminds us to take our cues from the natural world during this dark, chill, quiet time of year, giving you permission to step away, recharge, and be ready to face the world come springtime.

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what REALLY happens when you choose a yearly intention word

what REALLY happens when you choose a yearly intention word

You’ve probably heard lots of versions of “Your thoughts become things.” And while I haven’t mastered spontaneously manifesting a gluten-free vegan chocolate cake, I was on the receiving end of some interesting results of the focus I held for myself last year …

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my best advice for tackling your next big task (it's probably not what you think)

my best advice for tackling your next big task (it's probably not what you think)

You’re staring down a daunting task—a project that most would run from, like caring for a loved one through a serious illness. So you put your head down, hold your breath, and charge head-on into it, promising yourself that you’ll get back to your own life and come up for air when it’s all over. But soon you find yourself floundering, and you’re not sure you’ll ever be able to get to the other side. What do you do?

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3 justifications for signing up for an in-person retreat this year

3 justifications for signing up for an in-person retreat this year

Whether or not you spend your days caring for others, you likely missed the ability to be get out and about and be with like-minded people during the Pandemic Times. Now that things are opening you’re probably getting notifications for events that are happening IRL (like my self-care saturday June 25 in Vermont). Lots of us appreciated the ability to be in community with other people via online technology over the last couple of years … so why should you bother traveling somewhere to experience something in person? I’ll tell you what I think …

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