Wintering: "Nature shows that survival is a practice"

The traditional calendar tells us that spring is nigh.

Yesterday marked the Gaelic festival of Imbolc, when St. Brigid the patron saint of Ireland emerges from her winter retreat in preparation for the warmth ahead.

If you live in the Northeast U.S., you might be thinking St. Brigid needs to zip up her parka, pull up her socks and take a seat by the woodstove. The half a foot of snow that's fallen over the last couple of days reminds us that winter is sticking around. But the calendar shows us that maple syrup season and seed starting are just around the corner. It's all about cycles.

Need a little more inspiration and support as the Yearly Cold Times drag on? Click below to join me in diving into Katherine May’s beautiful memoir, Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times, from my January presentation at the Springfield UU Meetinghouse. This book reminds us to take our cues from the natural world during this dark, chill, quiet time of year, giving you permission to step away, recharge, and be ready to face the world come springtime.

Our bodies and souls require the quiet and introspection these times provide us. And sometimes we need that retreat despite what the weather looks like outside our doors. The world is a challenging place right now, and Katherine shares that difficult times, like the nature all around us, operate in cycles. When we shore up our reserves with regular rest and selfcare, we’re ready to step out when the sun turns warm, recharged and ready for what the world asks of us.

Rest now, so you’ll be ready when it’s time.

Are you in need of more than the retreat that winter provides? Something to look forward to later in the year, when this current season is small in our rearview mirrors? Colleen Jorgensen has invited me to be her special guest this August at Centre de Vie in Quebec, where she's hosting a weekend getaway all about exploring possibilities. Click here now to get on the list so you can be the first to hear about what she's got planned, and to secure your booking early. Registration opens in about a week, and rooms (including singles and private baths) are first-come/first-serve.

social image by Cristina Gottardi on Unsplash