Wintering: "Nature shows that survival is a practice"

Wintering: "Nature shows that survival is a practice"

Need inspiration and support as winter drags on? Dive into Katherine May’s memoir, "Wintering: The Power of Rest and Retreat in Difficult Times." This book reminds us to take our cues from the natural world during this dark, chill, quiet time of year, giving you permission to step away, recharge, and be ready to face the world come springtime.

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take time for teeny tiny meditation

take time for teeny tiny meditation

If your main focus is caring for others, finding the time or motivation to spend even a few minutes on taking care of yourself can be daunting. The inner sanctuary community just finished reading BJ Fogg’s Tiny Habits: The Small Changes that Change Everything for our March bookclub… and now we’re tiny-habiting All The Selfcare Things. I started with my daily meditation practice …

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