6 tips (plus a bonus) for the unexpected caregiver

6 tips (plus a bonus) for the unexpected caregiver

Whether we tend to other people as part of our careers or not, if we have any sort of relationships at all (human or otherwise), we’ll all find ourselves in the role of caregiver at some point in our lives. And while every caregiving situation is unique, I was reminded of a few commonalities within the first few days of my husband’s recovery from his recent surgery during this National Family Caregivers Month …

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could you use a break? here's a sign

could you use a break? here's a sign

If you spend most of your time caring for others, getting ample down time can be a huge challenge. Interrupted sleep, schedule changes and unplanned events can often seem like the norm. But taking the Universe up on small, unexpected sense pauses during the day—and looking at them as gifts instead of monkey wrenches—just might help us realize that feeling better rested could be within our reach.

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FEEL: Radical kindness

FEEL: Radical kindness

Nikki Tishler was my first real yoga student. The first one who wasn't a friend or relative, who approached my Jeep--stocked with mats and parked at the Hingham Shipyard near the beachside patch of green we would practice on when the weather was fair--and handed me $5 for the outdoor community class, so I could teach her what I had recently learned. …

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LISTEN: Sounds to yoga by

LISTEN: Sounds to yoga by

There are so many wonderful sounds to listen to while practicing: crashing waves, your own breath, or a perfectly curated playlist. One of my most memorable sessions~~on a warm spring morning with my mat unrolled on lush green grass~~was accompanied by the heifers in our pasture munching their breakfast. I wish I could cue that up every time I practice, but I'll have get by with other sounds these days. Those cows are in Vermont, after all. And it's January. Lucky for me, I really enjoying putting together practice playlists ...

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