christmas in ... october? how to stay present when the rest of the world is charging ahead

christmas in ... october? how to stay present when the rest of the world is charging ahead

One of the most important things a busy caregiver can do for all-around wellness is to be in the current moment. Doing that helps you stay safe and grounded in your body, focused mentally and in-tune emotionally. But how do we do that when our local retail outlets started displaying Halloween costumes when temps were still in the 90s?

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TASTE: post-Thanksgiving (veg) mashup ... yummy recipes and links

TASTE: post-Thanksgiving (veg) mashup ... yummy recipes and links

As a plant-based eater, Thanksgiving gets better every year. Companies are starting to deliver with options for the rest of us, and bloggers keep doing their thing, offering up creative recipes that even carnivores will enjoy. Now that the hectic get-ready pace of the holiday is over, I thought I'd share some highlights as these food ideas work any day of the year.

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Essential oils--and natural scents--for the most fragrant time of the year

Essential oils--and natural scents--for the most fragrant time of the year

The earthy scent of fallen leaves … the rich aroma of kindling catching fire in the woodstove … pumpkin spice EVERYWHERE …. Here are some essential oils and natural scents to include in your selfcare routine this season.

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