Reduce thoughtfully~reuse creatively~recycle (too) easily

Reduce thoughtfully~reuse creatively~recycle (too) easily

I'm intrigued by people who've been able to reduce their yearly waste to just a bag or two of trash. The idea of being so completely aware of every single thing I touch in a day, determining how to reduce~reuse~recycle each one? Astounding. The three Rs of environmentalism has become a mantra of sorts for me. Where to start? Let's take them in reverse order ...

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YOGA: The sweet spot

YOGA: The sweet spot

You know that feeling you get when everything just jives? It's as if all the planets have aligned and you're grooving with the universe so perfectly ... it's really indescribable. The first time I acknowledged this connection was during a stint on my university's crew team. The sensation of all of us rowers pulling in unison, the silent momentary hang of the oars above the river, the water rippling out underneath the shell ... when all of these came together even just for a few strokes, my teammates and I would share a knowing nod: "Yup~~THAT." These moments of serendipity can be found on the mat as well ...

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INHALE: Ahhhh ... roses (those ARE roses, right?)

INHALE: Ahhhh ... roses (those ARE roses, right?)

A lot of folks will end up with bouquets of roses in their homes this week~~so many, in fact, that it might make the flower seem, well, common. But don't let that fool you. Essential oils distilled from Rosa species are the most expensive around. Those in the know claim it takes 60 roses to create just one drop of rose otto essential oil Knowing that, now's a great time for a quick lesson in spotting essential oil impostors ...

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Elevate your morning routine with a little Ayurveda

Elevate your morning routine with a little Ayurveda

What intrigued me most about Ayurveda were some interesting daily habits. The Ayurvedic morning routine is substantial and quite different from the Standard American shower~coffee~commute but there are most likely one or two things you can add to your own a.m. ritual that may make a difference in your whole day. Here are some of my favorites ...

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INHALE: The desert island essential oils

INHALE: The desert island essential oils

I have this affinity for Things That Do Other Things. Scarves that become ponchos or hoods simply by buttoning, yoga mat bags that expand to carry blocks and other gear with a quick unzip, step stools that turn into chairs (I'm a master collector of those~~just ask my husband). It's kind of an obsession, actually. So I was thrilled to discover that a couple of essential oils really can cover many of our health and body care needs ...

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LISTEN: Sounds to yoga by

LISTEN: Sounds to yoga by

There are so many wonderful sounds to listen to while practicing: crashing waves, your own breath, or a perfectly curated playlist. One of my most memorable sessions~~on a warm spring morning with my mat unrolled on lush green grass~~was accompanied by the heifers in our pasture munching their breakfast. I wish I could cue that up every time I practice, but I'll have get by with other sounds these days. Those cows are in Vermont, after all. And it's January. Lucky for me, I really enjoying putting together practice playlists ...

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FEEL: In praise of s l o w n e s s ...

FEEL: In praise of   s l o w n e s s ...

So when exactly did we, as a culture, decide that faster was somehow better? We all know where fast food has gotten us, and highways have speed limits for a reason. But despite slow food (and Crock-Pots), Jimmy Fallon jams, and inspiring TED talks, we still we seem to have that insatiable need ... the need for speed. As a fast-talking multitasker, I speak from experience ...

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FEEL: New moon rituals

FEEL: New moon rituals

The new moon will occur about 7 hours from now. It's something I always look forward to, because it's like a mini New Year ... It gives us the chance to pause, take stock, and refocus for the coming weeks. As far as new moon rituals go, there are many out there ...

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