could you use a break? here's a sign

could you use a break? here's a sign

If you spend most of your time caring for others, getting ample down time can be a huge challenge. Interrupted sleep, schedule changes and unplanned events can often seem like the norm. But taking the Universe up on small, unexpected sense pauses during the day—and looking at them as gifts instead of monkey wrenches—just might help us realize that feeling better rested could be within our reach.

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signs, patterns and synchronicities: what are they telling you?

signs, patterns and synchronicities: what are they telling you?

Lots of seemingly insignificant things happen during during our busy days—especially when we spend our time caring for others. But those unusual, repeated and timely happenings may have important messages for us. Learn how I turned two noteworthy events this spring into a useful daily self-care tool.

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what I'm keeping for the after-times

what I'm keeping for the after-times

During the last 12+ months of social distancing and pandemic lockdowns, we learned new skills, rediscovered our personal spaces, and explored ways to care for ourselves that didn’t involve expensive treatments or faraway travel. Sure, I missed some parts of my previous life, but I also found a few practices I’d like to hold on to, too, like these …

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